Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy news

On the evening of August 6th, my baby got another little bit of herself back. She rode a bicycle again!!!!

It's so cool and it has made my year yet again with Mic being able to do a few of the things she used to. I unfortunately was out, when she did this for the first time, and only got to see her ride the next day.

You can't imagine how proud I'm feeling. Each day, she goes outside and rides and gains more confidence.

All the neighbours came out to watch her and were amazed at how unafraid she was to try to ride again. They've all commented on how fantastic it is to see her outside doing things she used to, and how it helps Mic to appear normal to the other kids. I think there may have been a little tear or two of happiness in their eyes.

On the medical side, she's outgrown her splint again and has been told not to use her cane unless she is walking far distances. This isn't because she's any better at walking, I think the physio is just trying to get Mic to use her body to balance rather than rely on the cane.

But hey, at least my baby has clawed back a little piece of her old self back, and for that I am extremely happy!