Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Exhilarating and heart breaking & visitors news

Tuesday September 30th: Today was both exhilarating and heart breaking. Mic went for a physio session today. They sat her up on the edge of the bed and her poor little body just doesn't have the strength to support her. Although, in saying this, she tolerated the sitting for a longer time than the first session.

The physio's had Mic lay on her back and tried to entice her to roll over from one side to the other by using pom-pom's and a squidgy ball. This worked really well and Mic tried her best to do as asked, and achieved a half roll. They then laid McAyla on her stomach to see if she could lift her head and push up on her arms. She did this really well too. The neck brace was cumbersom though. It's kind've like watching a baby go through all the developmental stages. This is what broke my heart. Not only could I see that the brace was hurting, and damn she's been hurt enough, but it hurt knowing that I would have to watch her redevelop all those skills again. It's like she's been reborn.

She was really exhausted after this session and just as we got her upstairs and settled, the SLT's (speech and language therapists) arrived with her yoghurt. Unfortunately, Mic was asleep, so I never got to watch them feed her. As I mentioned yesterday, she had tried the yoghurt and coped really well. By the time they arrived in the afternoon and fed her more yoghurt, she was closing her lips around the spoon and taking the food off it. She also managed 10 teaspoonfuls! I can't wait to get to her tomorrow to find out how many she had tonight.

Mic was also due to visit the optician and audio people to establish if there was any fault with her hearing and eyesight. Unfortunately, this hadn't happened by the time I left. We did speak to a neurosurgeon and he has been very happy with her progress. We also spoke with the rehab specialist, Margo Edwards, and she is also very positive about Mic's progress.

When it came time for us to leave, Mic grabbed my sleeve and didn't want to let go. This made me want to cry. I want to cry every time I say goodbye to her. I can't wait to get up in the mornings just so I can get to the hospital to see her. I can't get there quick enough some mornings, so I can find out what new things she has learnt and what else she has achieved.

We are going to start a visitor rotation scheme for her. As she is only allowed 3 people to her bedspace at a time, and one of them has to be a parent, I'm leaving it open to yourselves to either add a comment or text me so I can set out appropriate timescales for visits. I'm sure you also appreciate that only a few people can visit at a time as Mic is easily exhausted, so we are asking that only 2 of her mates (with parents) visit on any allocated Saturday. Clear your Saturdays and let me know which Saturday is appropriate for you and I will do my best to get you in asap to see her.


PaulJoConnor said...


Sylvis, Roy and Cris

We are so glad to here that Mcayla is making good progress and hope and know that she is strong and will saprise us all, We have been praying every day for her as well as the family, We hope that you all are ok and we are happy for you all,
We would love to see her when the time is wright for you all as a family and when she is ready,
All our prayers each day for you all,

Sylvia , Roy and Cris
Just let Paul know when it will be ok to see you all thanks and all our love x

PaulJoConnor said...


Joanne, Paul and little Man

Was so glad to here and see you both today, also glad to see that Mcayla is doing well, We think of here everyday as well as for you all at home please give our love to all and we will see you all soon,

Love Joanne, Paul and little Man

Anonymous said...

We wish we could be there with you, but know our thoughts and prayers are. Tell Mic that her cousins all send hugs and kisses.

All our love

Di, Steve + Nic B said...

Any Saturday is OK for us, just let us know when you want us there. Thank you for doing this blog and for passing on the information about McAyla's progress, we hope this is helping you all as a family. Keep fighting Little Petal !!

Love Di, Steve & Nic Briggs xxx

Anonymous said...

That is such encouraging news. It seems like there's a little miracle going on inside her. I'm sure you're all feeling much more confident for a speedy recovery.

Sarah &Simon

Anonymous said...

Wishing mycala the best possible recovery, my heart goes out to you, love laurens nanxx