Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Jeez, so much has happened and my head spins with the thought of all the stuff still going on. Since my last update, MJ has started hydrotherapy. It's fantastic to teach her balance and help restore those core muscles. These are her stomach and back muscles, which help keep you upright. When MJ laughs, she kinda falls forward, so I'm always grabbing on to her to make sure that she stays up. As you can imagine, she laughs quite a lot, so my fists are permanently clenched around whatever item of clothes she happens to be wearing. She thinks this is very amusing, as you can imagine, so we often have a laugh about her stability, or rather, lack of it.

Anyway, the pool is really warm, so she is only able to do a half hour, as it relaxes the muscles and takes the strain off of her legs. She was very tired after last weeks session, but is very excited about returning tomorrow.

I took her back to BCH on Monday for her psych assessment. For 2 hours they questioned MJ to test what she is able to recall and what level she is at. We have to return to get the results.

Last Thursday we were at BCH for MJ's eye test. This also took 2 hours. They did the normal eye test, then she did a field test. This test was to check her peripheral vision, so she had to spot where the light was, while staying focused on the hole in front. After that, they put drops in her eyes to dilate the pupils. This made her eyes sting and very sensitive to light. We then saw the consultant who advised that the optic nerve is still swollen and will still need to be monitored. I pray it comes right by the next visit in April/May.

After the consultant saw MJ, she advised that photo's of the inside of the eye would need to be taken. This is when things became interesting for me. The photo looks like a red planet and the bit they are concerned with is the white disc shape - the optic nerve. They explained that on a healthy eye, the outline of the disc is clearly visible. In MJ's eye, the bottom of the nerve is not clearly visible. They will send us a copy of the photo's so we can post it on the website.

SLT advise that MJ's voice might never return to normal as the vocal cords might have been damaged because of the ventilator and subsequent chest infection MJ had in ICU. The SLT is also going to investigate if MJ's taste buds are non existent - as in non-receptive to texture and taste - or if she has to have more therapy to learn to chew again. If MJ doesn't chew, the gums don't get the massage they require, thereby leaving the gum susceptible to disease and subsequently her teeth will fall out.

On the plus side, we went to Nunnery and visited the centre where MJ will be when she eventually returns to school. It's called the Base. There is disabled access to the base, so MJ doesn't have to negotiate the stairs, or the thousands of kids that go to the school, and her friends can get to have lunch with her in the base, so she doesn't have to fight her way through the cafeteria lines either. Also, they have fantastic facilities inside there, so MJ will get lots of support. I think she may get to type her work out rather than write, as the ability to hold a pen is still not easy for her. I'll be able to tell you more after the meeting we are having on Thursday, so watch this space for further updates.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Neuro visit

Today we got to see Mr Solanki and he was very impressed with MJ's progress. He showed us the 3 MRI scans taken of MJ during her stay at BCH. There was a lot of surface blood around the brain, particularly to the right side and back of her head. He couldn't show us the x-rays, as he didn't have them. He has given MJ a challenge. In 6 months time, he wants to see her again and has said he wants her to walk into his office without crutches.

He also told MJ that the headaches are normal, and we need not worry. He also said that the more she exercises, the more flexible she'll become, and the easier it'll be to move and walk.

Spoke with the physio today, and she said MJ will have to be fitted with a new splint, as her feet are growing and "Fred" is hurting MJ anyway. She's developed a corn (kind've like a hard blister) which will be sorted on Thursday.

Tomorrow we finally get our family portrait! Yeah!!! I can't wait to see the photo's. Wish I could have them all.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

MJ does a rolly-polly

I watched MJ do a rolly-polly today. She has been so determined to get her feet to touch the floor, over her head, which she has been able to do for about week now. Then, she was determined to get her knees to touch the floor, over her head...which she achieved today. As always, being the ever determined MJ, she performed a rolly polly. Still not content with this, she stood herself up, and decided to perform a rolly polly, from a standing position. Whatever next!?! It won't be long before she's performing cartwheels and hand stands.

So, we have been watching the BBC midlands today and Inside Out on BBC to see when MJ will finally be on the telly. She's so bored with watching the news now and as she says: I'm sick of being famous mum". That gold fish feeling is begining to set in I think....

When I'm at work, I constantly worry if MJ has slipped again, or if she has choked on food or drink, and most recently, her headaches seem to be getting worse. Thankfully we get to see the neurosurgeon on Friday, so I can discuss this with him. I know that Ash takes brilliant care of her sister, but I'm a mother first and formost and I will worry about all of my children all of the time. It's a life long deal I signed up for when I decided to be a parent.

McAyla's teacher did a reading and writing assessment on MJ and the report came back as 8.6. This means that MJ can read and write at the same level of a child who is 8 years and 6 months old. This may shock you, but in fact, it is brilliant news. So many people who have this type of injury never even get this skill back, let alone reach the level of an 8 year old.

Well, the next big event we will be looking forward to is the hydro-therapy. MJ can't wait to get in the pool. I think it will certainly help build up her muscles, without them suffering the fatigue they currently do in a normal physio session.

We had a bowling session with MJ's mate Kim and her family. Thanks guys for a brilliant day. Pity I got beat by Cortni...mmm perhaps I shouldn't advertise the fact that I got beat by a 5 year old...lol! Oh well, it was so much fun, and I was so proud of MJ for bowling the ball and getting the odd strike. So amazing! I can honestly say that since MJ's accident, this has to be one of the best day's I've had...we've had ... as a family.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


McAyla and Daz will be on the telly , BBC Midlands today, on Monday. They have filmed a bit as to where the accident happend and where the crossings are to be put in. They filmed the droves of children that come down this hazardous road everyday, and at least now, people may understand exactly why we need the crossing in the first place.

Cortni desperately wanted to be on the telly and is quite gutted that she is not on there. I've explained that she may well get her turn one day when she does something truely amazing. In the meantime, she is still the little star of the family and we love her as much as we love her sisters.

Tomorrow we are going to a photo shoot so that we may finally have that long awaited family portrait with ALL of us in the photo at the same time. It's one of those things I promised we would do as soon as MJ was able. I am looking forward to it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

4 Months

So... 4 months ago this time, we were crying bucket loads for our little girl. Scared, very scared. 4 months on and I have to keep pinching myself that my little girl is still alive and is able to hug me and talk to me. It's the most amazing feeling in the world.

Yes, we have just barely begun our journey on the very long raod to recovery, but there are little improvements and moments that just make me laugh. I'm glad that MJ is able to laugh at herself and the situation we find ourselves in, and I believe that is what helps us through. She has always had the sunniest disposition, which is why people find it easy to talk with her. Sometimes, she has moments when her smile drops and a dark cloud seems to sit above her head, but I think that under the circumstances, it's acceptable. After all, don't we all have dark days?

So, we saw the pediatrition and the SLT. Whilst talking with the pedeatrition, I discovered that MJ has in fact got 4 fractures to the skull. I was of the impression that it was only 2/3. I am becoming more aware that as much information as I was getting in ICU, it was seriously censored. In a strange way, I'm comfortable with that, as I believe had I known, I might not have been as positive around MJ when she needed it most.

SLT have put my mind at rest with regard to Nunnery. She will get the support she needs and I'm sure that everything will be fine. MJ told the doc she doesn't want homework, and the doc told her not to panic, as dealing with being in school would be sufficient for a while.

So, MJ will have more assessments starting next week and more medical appointments, and maybe, we can get a copy of the x-ray of her head and put it on her webiste. Cool! I dunno about MJ, but I'm starting to feel a bit like a gold fish in a gold fish bowl!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Fred is back

MJ started physio again today, and much to her disgust, the old splint "Fred" is back. Physio's said that the ankle support they gave is just not helping to stretch the leg muscles the way it was supposed to.

I think a combination of being a bit lax over the festive period and then playing at the centre all combined to make Mic's muscles a bit tight. Needless to say, she was very sore after her physio session and she cried for the first time in ages.

Today it snowed, and under normal circumstances, both the little ones would have been out there making snowmen, but as it's just so risky, they didn't go out. However, when Ash and Mic go to get Cortni from school tomorrow, it might be a tad tricky, especially with the wheelchair.

Tomorrow is another busy day, as school starts again, plus we have a visit to the community peadiatrician and then in the afternoon, the SLT are coming to meet MJ and arrange a date to do an assessment.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year

So, it's finally 2009, and we are already a little way into it. I can't believe that in a few days, it will be 4 months since MJ's accident. More appointments and assessments start this week, but the one I am most interested in is the neuro consultant assessment on the 16th.

4 months of progress, some quick, some slow, but progress. As the year started, I gave MJ the biggest hug and thanked God that she is still with me. I then ran around the house and hugged each of my children, grateful for their love and in my heart wishing them all the good things that life has to offer.

Yesterday, I took the two youngest girls to a play centre. They were bored and I needed to see how well MJ would cope with climbing and sliding and crowds. She did amazingly well although she tired easily. I asked Cortni to look after Mic when they were inside the nets, but as usual, MJ left her sister behind and went off to do her own thing. This left me worrying needlessly about both girls, but it's one of those challenges we had to face. Both girls had a fantastic time, and MJ is still a little sore today.

Life can sometimes be so hard, and I keep wondering why? Why my little girl? What is the greater plan for her? Sometimes I look at Mic and I marvel at what a fighter she is. Sometimes I look at Mic and I cry.

The questions are unreasonable, and I know that I will never completely know the answers. But, being in my position of not knowing what happened, gnaws away at my very soul.

Since the new year began, I have reflected a lot on what has happened, and still tears well up. Today, I put all the newspaper articles in the photo album, and as I read through each one again, I was amazed at how raw the emotions are within me. I put on the brave face for Mic and the girls, and save my tears for when I'm alone.

If I behave strongly, than I will be strong. This is my new motto in life.