Sunday, May 24, 2009

Almost 9 months

So, this two year window is racing by very quickly. I'm increasingly worried about MJ's schooling. We've looked at sending MJ to a special school where kids have varying degrees of difficulties. Only problem, the medical and educational staff don't think it's appropriate for MJ as most of the kids that attend have cerebal palsy and they feel MJ will stand out and know that she's different. NEWS FLASH!!!! She already knows she's different in main stream schooling and she does stand out! Having the sticks helps to make that more of a sore point for MJ. I just wish they'd start to listen to what she wants. More than anything, MJ wants to be normal. They don't deal with her daily frustrations and conflict within. MJ remembers how it felt to run, ride her bike, swim, climb trees. Now, she can't walk more than a few yards before she experiences severe pain.

Her frustrations are so bad she cries so hard and then lashes out. She struggles to find the right words to convey how she feels. I know she's frightend to tell the staff and medical professionals what she truely feels as she thinks she will be in trouble.

We only have two years to ensure that MJ get's as much educational support as she possibly can, because of the brain injury. Whatever stage MJ is at after 2 years, that's where she will be for the rest of her life. So imagine this: If MJ only has the reading age and vocabulary of an 8 year old NOW...without the proper support in place..will she still remain at this level for the rest of her life? YES! Can you imagine when she's in the prime of her life...I can't bear to think of it. WHat kind of employment prospects will she have? She won't be able to go shopping which leaves her open to being taken advantage of. She won't be able to rent or buy her own home.

If she get's the support she needs, then her choices are endless. I just wish everyone would remember that the choices they make MJ has to live with....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How completely frustrating for you. I hope you're able to get for her what she needs. You're right, it's really, really important so she can be the best person she can be. Keep us updated.